Tetiana Zamula

Tatiana Zamula was born and raised in Vasilievka, Zaporizhia Oblast. From an early age, she showed an interest in art and psychology, which later influenced her career choice and lifestyle.

After finishing school, Tatiana enrolled in a college where she studied "Preschool Education." Throughout her studies, she enjoyed spending time with children, nurturing their creative abilities, and helping them become confident and independent individuals.

However, after obtaining her diploma, Tatiana had the fortunate opportunity to enter university, where she decided to study psychology. During her studies, she became acquainted with various branches of psychology and discovered that she was not only interested in working with children but also in assisting adults in solving their life problems.

With the onset of military conflicts in Ukraine, Tatiana, like many other residents of the country, had to seek a safe place to live. She decided to move to Germany, a country that opened its doors to all refugees.

Creativity holds a special place in Tatiana Zamula's life. Drawing became a way for her to express herself, and cooking became a way to show care and love for her loved ones. She says she loves drawing and cooking, but, in general, she loves everything. Her talent and passion for art permeate all aspects of her life.

She wonders if there is a profession related to bringing beauty to people's lives and notes that she would like to engage in such an activity. Tatiana Zamula's creativity can take various forms, from painting to culinary masterpieces.

She sees her calling in making the world more beautiful and better through her creative abilities. Her passion for art and her desire to share her talents drive her to seek new horizons and fulfill her dream.