Olena Fedorenko

In March 2022, Elena Fedorenko, seeking refuge from the military conflict, left her native Kiev and arrived in Germany with her children in search of safety. Elena is a literature and Ukrainian language teacher, as well as a child psychologist. Prior to the war, she worked as a psychologist, applying art therapy methods that utilize art and creativity for healing and support.

Upon moving to Germany, Elena encountered several obstacles related to the language barrier. However, thanks to her perseverance, she was able to complete an integration course for the German language and was able to familiarize herself with German literature. At a literary event held in Linz during the summer of 2022, she presented Ukrainian culture by reciting poetry from contemporary Ukrainian authors.

Elena possesses a deep love for poetry, flowers, life, and speed. She believes that speed should be such that the eyes can see beauty, the hands can feel surfaces, and the body can experience pleasure, enabling the perception of scents and sounds and making oneself feel alive. Beauty is an important criterion for Elena. When she sees and feels beauty, everything in her life gains meaning. Contemplating beauty and living it in every moment is what holds value for her.

In Germany, Elena continues to engage in artistic activities and utilize art therapy methods to assist those in need of her support. Flowers have become another source of joy and beauty in her life. Elena is passionate about creating textile flowers that fill her life with vibrant colors. She sees a story and an opportunity to convey her feelings and emotions in each flower.

Elena, translated from Greek as "Lightbearer," is a bright creative soul that doesn't let any obstacles stop her. She moves forward, making the world around her brighter and more beautiful.