Nataliia Leliavska

During the period of unrest and political instability that has engulfed Ukraine in recent years, many people have been forced to seek security and new opportunities in other countries. One of these individuals is Natalia Leliavska, a dynamic resident of Kiev, who has found her new place in the sun in Kaspach-Olenberg, Germany.

Natalia Leliavska was a successful entrepreneur in Kiev, where she managed several gas stations. However, the approaching war in Ukraine compelled her to reassess her priorities and seek safety.

Upon arriving in Germany, Natalia embarked on the process of adaptation and integration into her new environment. She joined an integration course, where she is learning the German language and acquiring the skills necessary for successful adaptation into German society. Despite language and cultural barriers, Natalia managed to find new friends and support within the local community.

One of Natalia's main passions is drawing. She says she draws because she cannot not draw, that art is an integral part of her life. Art has become a means of self-expression for her and a way to overcome the emotional difficulties associated with relocation and the loss of her familiar life. Natalia actively seeks opportunities to develop her artistic skills and hopes to showcase her work at exhibitions in the future.

In addition to drawing, Natalia is passionate about beadwork. This traditional craft allows her to express the creative side of her personality and create beautiful jewelry. She finds tranquility and joy in this hobby.

Natalia also shares a love for animals, especially dogs. She has always been surrounded by four-legged friends and finds joy in interacting with them. She came to Germany with her beloved older dog.

Photography is also one of Natalia's hobbies. She often takes her camera and goes for walks in the picturesque places of Kaspach-Olenberg, capturing the beauty of nature around her. Her photographs allow her to preserve memories of new places and share them with her friends and family.

Currently, Natalia Leliavska is on the path of adaptation in Germany. She continues to learn, grow, and build a new life in her new country.