Lesia Kozlova

Born and raised in Tokmak, Lesya was surrounded by the beauty of nature and the richness of her homeland's culture. She developed a love for art and literature from an early age. However, the events of the war in Ukraine turned her world upside down. She felt the threat to her life and the safety of her family and made the decision to leave her native land and start a new life in Germany. Her story is inspiring and shows that neither a cruel war nor an uncertain future can break a person's determination and desire to achieve happiness and success.

Upon arriving in Germany, Lesya encountered language and cultural barriers. She resolutely began studying the German language and attended integration courses provided by the government. Thanks to her perseverance and diligence, she successfully completed the integration course, mastered the German language, and acquired the necessary skills for a successful adaptation in her new country. Lesya decided to continue her education and pursued vocational training as an accountant. She understood that to build a successful career in Germany, specialized skills and knowledge were necessary.

However, Lesya did not limit herself to integration and language learning alone. She discovered that she possessed numerous talents that helped her find inner balance and energy. Drawing became a means of self-expression and stress relief for her. Through her artworks, Lesya could convey her emotions and experiences while enjoying the moment of creativity. Drawing became a unique source of inspiration and strength for her.

Yet, Lesya's creativity is not limited to drawing alone. She has the skill of playing the piano and enjoys spending time performing musical compositions. Music became a means of expressing her feelings and emotions as well as a way to strengthen her inner power. Additionally, Lesya is passionate about knitting and embroidery, creating unique handmade items. These activities bring her satisfaction, joy, and contribute to her creative growth and development.

Lesya's life embodies the strength of the human spirit and the ability to overcome the most challenging trials. She has demonstrated that with determination and resolve, obstacles that seem insurmountable can be conquered.