Hanna Kaminska

Anna Kaminskaia is a vibrant individual born in the beautiful city of Kyiv. Her life took an unexpected turn with the onset of hostilities that engulfed the surrounding lands of Kyiv. To ensure the safety of herself and her family, Anna made the decision to leave her native country and head to Germany.

In Ukraine, Anna worked as a hairdresser and stylist, and her skills instilled confidence and beauty in many clients. She possesses an unparalleled sense of style and a talent for transforming people with her artistry. However, upon leaving her homeland, Anna decided to start fresh.

Anna arrived in Germany with her daughter and loyal four-legged friend, a dog who had always been there in difficult times. Despite the language barrier and challenging starting conditions, Anna resolved not to be deterred and to continue her development because knowing the German language is essential to successfully work with clients in Germany. Currently, Anna attends an integration course and is diligently learning the language.

Another passion of Anna's is drawing. It has become a way for her to express her emotions, find solace, and gather inner strength. In her free time, Anna spends hours immersed in a world of colors and shapes, creating works of art that embody her inner world and dreams.

In addition to drawing, Anna is passionate about Pilates, a system of physical exercises that helps her maintain harmony and balance in life. This form of activity aids Anna not only physically but also emotionally.

Traveling is yet another passion of Anna's. She believes that traveling expands horizons and opens up new dimensions of life. Anna has visited various countries, immersing herself in their cultures, learning their histories, and enjoying the beauty of diverse landscapes. Traveling has become a source of inspiration and new ideas for her artistic pursuits.

Anna Kaminskaia's life is filled with vibrant moments and challenges. She has found the strength and determination to overcome difficulties and create a new life far from her homeland. Her talent and passion for art enable her to overcome obstacles and transform life into a work of art.