Conclusion of the Ukrainian Female Artists Exhibition in Linz am Rhein

Conclusion of the Ukrainian Female Artists Exhibition in Linz am Rhein

Our exhibition concluded in a glow of creativity and inspiration. It was not only a celebration for the eyes and soul, but also an introduction to Ukraine's cultural heritage through the lens of female artistry.

Starting from its opening several weeks ago, the exhibition quickly captured the attention of Linz residents and visitors from various corners. The works of Ukrainian artists reflected the harmony and contrast inherent in their culture and history. From vibrant landscapes to abstract compositions, each painting was like a separate story told through brush and paint.

One of the highlights of the exhibition was the diversity of themes and techniques presented by our craftswomen. Some preferred classical realism, captivating viewers with expertly crafted portraits and landscapes, while others experimented with modern approaches and materials, creating works that prompted reflection and emotion.

The event concluded in a wave of gratitude and enthusiasm between guests and artists, leaving indelible impressions and inspiration in the hearts of all who visited the exhibition.

The local press illuminated the opening of the exhibition as follows: "Over three weekends in January and February, in the premises of Markt9 in Linz am Rhein, a diverse array of vibrant artworks could be seen. They testified to the creativity of Ukrainian women, refugees who were able to express their talents in an art course at the Kreisvolkshochschule Neuwied.

The exhibition attracted many visitors. More than 300 people came during the opening to view the artworks. A special signal the initiators could send on Saturday, February 3, was when, participating in the demonstration 'Linz remains COLORFUL,' they invited people gathered in the marketplace to visit the exhibition, so they could experience this diversity firsthand.

At the finissage on February 4, there were again many guests. Lisa Melnikova expressed gratitude on behalf of the organizers in a brief speech. Thanks to 15 Ukrainian artists, two photographers, and one designer for preparing the exhibition over the past year. Thanks also for the support of the city of Linz am Rhein, Kreisvolkshochschule Neuwied, and the Art Society of Linz am Rhein, as well as to all those who helped prepare the exhibition.

Melnikova said that the high number of visitors during the exhibition makes the artists proud and happy. She once again pointed out the uniqueness of the art course: women taught each other specific artistic techniques. Professional artists passed on their knowledge to amateurs. Each artist wanted to show in which technique she had a special talent.

Melnikova announced that generous donations were made during the exhibition, which would allow the continuation of integration projects. Thus, she hopes that, in particular, the art education course for migrant women can be continued, and that from March 2024, free art courses for Ukrainian children could begin.

In conclusion, she thanked everyone present for their support and then announced the performance of singer Inna Lunova, who together with her daughter performed a song about their Ukrainian homeland. Then the guests were once again given the opportunity to calmly view the artworks and chat with the women.